Fishing with Dave and Debbie DeVroy...9/11/19 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Dave and Debbie DeVroy...9/11/19

by Capt Juls on 09/11/19

Just a quick note about Day Two with Bob, Mike, and Larry yesterday.....great guys to fish with, but the fishing sucked out of Huron for us yesterday. We only caught 7 small eaters, so there wasn't much to talk about. Deep

This morning was a new day. I was apprehensive as I got things ready though, because I was worried that my Wisconsin crew came all the way down here and the bite was slowing down. I wanted to keep a positive outlook and reminded myself that I was going out of Mazurik's today and the wind forecast was promising a beautiful day. So, with that in mind, I headed out the door at 6:15 and headed over to the White Caps Motel to pick up my Wisco peeps.

They were ready and waiting for me to arrive at 6:20 and hopped in the old truck, and off we went into town to gas up, grab some ice, and head over to Mazurik's to launch.

We launched at 7am and headed NE to start. I went back to the spot where my previous crew had caught that nice 30 incher the other day, to see if those fish were still in the area.  That was up at the 37/35 line. 

We set up with the usual dipsy program using the zero, 1 1/2, and 3 settings on each side of the boat.  Dave had run dipsies before, but never for walleye. I said, "It's the same", and got busy setting spoons out. We started with mostly blue/silver combos, since that was the hot color on previous trips. 

The zero setting was set at 50 and 55 back. The 1 1/2 setting was set at 70-75 back, and the three setting was set at 100 back. Speed was 2.5 mph.  

We caught two up in that area, but the marks on the Helix were not what I wanted to see on the sonar. Meanwhile, Capt Eric Litton, on the "Pirate Clipper", had sent me a text stating where he was, and that they caught two while setting lines, and it looked good marks-wise. He was on an easterly troll. I made the decision to move straight down to where he was and set up in 44' of water off the south shore.

He was about a mile and a half east of me when I got down there, and I noticed he was making a turn to come back, so I decided to stick to the area I arrived in and set the Ulterra on a WSW trolling pass. 

I eventually took the zero setting lines out of the lineup and ran just the two dipsies on each minimize tangles that kept happnening for some reason). I swapped out three blue/silvers for a watermelon, fried chicken, and my favorite purple with the chart stripe down one side (pictured in the fishes mouth in one of the pictures).  The fried chicken and that purple one were very good producers!

Our catch rate started to pick up as we made our way west, and when the marks would run out, we turned around and made the same pass to the ENE. I would say we were only making 1/2-3/4 mile passes back and forth over a smaller school of walleye and picking them off at a rate of 3-4 per pass.  We ended the day with our three person limit, and a handful of extras that we either threw back to grow bigger, or because they were fish that were on when we pulled lines to head in.

It was a beautiful day to be on the water today, and Dave and Debbie had a great time. My feeling of dread early this morning was replaced with a renewed sense of success, and that made me happy!  Thanks, Eric for the tip! You saved my

I'm off tomorrow, and Friday's trip might be rescheduled to Saturday, due to weather.

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Comments (2)

1. Tony said on 10/1/19 - 12:25PM
Those of us who quit Facebook are unable to read your blogs there.
2. Tony said on 10/1/19 - 12:27PM
Those of us who quit Facebook are unable to read your blogs there.

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