Fishing with Kevin and John 6/1/2021 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Kevin and John 6/1/2021

by Capt Juls on 06/01/22

I showed up at Mazurik's, to a quiet and empty parking lot at 4:30am, except for the birds...they were already up, and signing. It sounded so inviting. 

The weather was warm and muggy, and the wind was light out of the south, at 5mph. 
The air temp was in the high 70s. 
The sky was mostly clear, but there were clouds, thick on the horizon, so when the sun started to rise, it looked like mountains in the distance, with really great lighting behind it. It was a beautiful morning to be on the lake....just beautiful. :)

Kevin and John showed up early, so we hit the water at 5am and headed east of Marblehead and Kelly's. I say it that way, because there is a lot of water "East of Kelly's", and this narrows it down a little, if you can figure it out. lol  I wasn't all the way to Kelly's, so split the difference, from the mainland to the island...and head east. We didn't have to go very far today. 
I don't mind giving the info today, because with tomorrow's NE winds, I won't be going there, tomorrow. I'll go someplace more protected.

The same program is working:
Bandits behind Off Shore boards at 35, 40, 50, and 60 back and spoons behind dipsies, set on the zero and two settings.
Bandit colors that caught today were:
Carrot Top
Green Lantern
Blue Chrome

Dipsey Settings:
Zero settings were at 25 and 27 to start and then when the sun got higher in the sky, and we had trolled to deeper waters, we dropped them down to 35 and 41.
The two settings started at 35 and 37, and one was moved to 40.

Speed was 2.5mph

I have Kevin and John again tomorrow. But, now that they are "trained" from today's trip, tomorrow should be a pretty easy trip for me. I just have to find them some fish....they know how to set it all up to catch them now. I don't even have to net them. Tomorrow is going to be a fun be willing! Fingers crossed...:)

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

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