Fishing with Jay, Megan, and Kosta 9/26/19 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Jay, Megan, and Kosta 9/26/19

by Capt Juls on 06/27/19

Picked my crew up from the "Our Guest Inn" at 4:45 and headed to Big Bopper's for some breakfast after stopping off at Rickard's for some ice and minnows. I like to take minnows along, so when we finish with our walleye in a quick fashion we can go look for some perch. Memories are made during these fishing trips, so why hurry it. Life goes by too fast as it is.


I decided to trailer the Ranger over to Huron to launch, because of the wind forecast, and that area would have the best conditions for fishing with a young couple and a 12 year old boy.  I was kind of surprised to find that the parking lot had only one trailer in the parking lot when we arrived at 5:45am....I thought there would be a lot more people fishing out of there at this time.

We headed out of the river channel at 6:11am and headed NE to that hump that's less than a mile out, where the Helix showed some decent marks in the right place in the water column (mid column). I deployed the Ulterra and Baby E-Tec to do their jobs. I pointed the Ulterra towards Cranberry Creek and set a pace of 2.3-2.4 mph with the baby E.     

Bandits behind Off Shore boards at 55 and 65 back...(blue/chrome, chrome Barbie, and Buck Fever) caught a few, but the majority of them were caught off Scorpion spoons behind dipsies, that were running on both sides of the boat. They were set on the 3 and 0 settings, to help keep the two lines separated from each other and minimize tangles.  I will only run the closer settings with experienced dipsey anglers. It has been my experience, while wathcing people, that it can seem very tricky to the novice. The 3 setting was set at 49 on the port side and 65 on the starboard side. The 0 setting on the port side was set to 25... and, 35 on the other side.       

The bite seemed a bit slow in that direction, compared to the marks I was seeing on the sonar, so I said, "Let's change the angle of the dangle", and started a turn, so we could troll from SE to NW.  By the time we reached the Huron Dump we had our 24 walleye. Now, we could go perch'n.

Everyone knows I love a good perch session, but not having fished the Huron area since last fall, I wasn't optimistic that we would be finding any perch. Unfortunately, I was right. Megan was the only one to bring one up.

Jay Schlicher, his girlfriend, Megan, and her boy Kosta had a good time despite the less than stellar perch bite. Even when Kosta lost a Fish Ohio behind the boat, he kept a great attitude. His arm was burning, because it was coming in on the outside Off Shore board, and there was a lot of reeling to do. I was standing on the livewell in the back of the boat, waiting to net it, so I had a better view of the fish than anyone else. When he lost the fish, I turned and said, "Holy crap...That was a BIG FISH!"  They asked if I had seen it, and I said, "Yes, I did. It was at least a Fish Ohio". They asked what that was, and I explained that it would be any walleye that was 28 inches or better.  Kosta was a little miffed, but was still happy to have fought it.  I told him, "It's good karma to let one go once in a while....keep telling yourself that", and winked at Megan. She laughed. :)

We went in with our 24 walleye and 1 perch. It always so much easier to go after perch when you have a full limit of walleye in the cooler. They were happy with their experience and their catch...and, that makes me happy!

Tomorrow, I have Maynard and Jody Derby of Minnesota for a walleye trip only.

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

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