Fishing with Tony, Mike, and Ron...10/22/2022 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Tony, Mike, and Ron...10/22/2022

by Capt Juls on 10/22/22

Got up at my usual time of 3am, so I could get my cup of coffee, and take the dogs out back to check the weather. The new puppy is working out well here. He's learning the routines, and isn't much trouble at all....yet. Alfie is only 9 weeks old, so hopefully, he will be into the routines before the psycho puppy stage unfolds. 

The iWindSurf app was showing gusts to 30 out of the south early on, but diminishing as the morning went on, so I decided to have my crew meet me at Mazurik's at 7:15, so we could be launched by 7:30. They showed up right on time, and loaded all their "stuff" in the boat, and we hit the water.

The sky was mostly clear, the air temp was around 50 degrees, and the water temp was 51 degrees between Lakeside and the Marblehead lighthouse.

We headed to the lighthouse first, but I didn't mark anything that I wanted to set up on, so we headed back towards Lakeside and set up in 24 feet of water, in front of the pier.  More and more boats came in and anchored, but I didn't see anyone catching. We had only caught one in 20 minutes, so it was time to move.

We headed to G can next. I was surprised to see nets strung, where I've never seen nets set up, in the 22 years I've been fishing here....between Catawba and G Can. So, we went around them, and went to the area between H and G. There were boats there, but as I motored around looking for perch, I didn't mark them like I wanted, so I kept going and headed to G Can.  We set up SW of the can, and patiently waited.  The bottom was soft, and I usually like a harder bottom, so after about 20 minutes I was getting ready to move again, when the first perch made it over the gunnel.  We stayed.

It would take almost an hour for a good steady bite to start happening, but during that first slow as it was, we had enough bites, and missed bites, to keep us there. At 10:30 it started picking up, and by 1:00 we had their 3-person limit.

We would have had more, but one of the perch rods took a puke when the tip of Tony's rod chipped the eye and kept cutting his, I had to give up mine, and I was done fishing for the day. (Note to self, put more backup perch rods in the boat!). We only had 45 minutes to go, so it wasn't that bad.

I did notice that the water temp by G Can was only 48.6 degrees, so a little colder than in the chute, by Lakeside. The water was muddier by G Can, too.

The guys had a good time, and were happy with their limits, and that makes me happy, too!

I'll be perch'n again with Marc and Jim, my Wisco crew that comes down to fish for walleye, usually. They want perch this time, and Tuesday and Wednesday are looking really nice right now, so hopefully that doesn't change, and we can get them a couple of good days in.

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

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