It's an afternoon bite right now.... : Juls WFA Blog
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It's an afternoon bite right now....

by Capt Juls on 05/12/17

I had a trip today, but to make a long story short....we zeroed today. :(

We started out at Niagara Reef....along with just about every other boat that was on the water this morning, because the water was cleaner from the reef and north of the reef. 
We trolled Bandits 40, 45, 50,55, 75, and 100 back, but didn't connect with anything toothy.

Then, we headed NE towards West Reef, and ran over some dirty water that was holding a lot of fish, and was a few degrees warmer, so we turned around and set up to make a pass over them. They, however, didn't want to come out to play either.

So, we went on to West Reef to see if we could play with some smallmouth up in the shallows, while running some Top 20's on one side, at 25, 30, and 35 back and Bandits on the other side at 30, 40, and 50 back. But, we only had one big pull back and lost it before we could get the board off. It was a big fish though...whatever it was. 

I'm thinking that the afternoon bite will probably be better this afternoon, due to the bright moon we had last night, and because of the reports of a good bite yesterday afternoon.

Tomorrow, I hope to be launching a little earlier in the am, and hitting the reef complex earlier too.

Good luck to those that get out tomorrow....the mud is cleaning up nicely all over the western basin and the bite should get better and better each day.

To view the satellite picture from today, just click on the weather tab above, and click on the "Satellite Pic" button.

Happy Mother's Day to all those Moms out there too! Have a wonderful weekend!

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

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