Day 4 with Mark and Patty Leucht 6/10/2021 : Juls WFA Blog
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Day 4 with Mark and Patty Leucht 6/10/2021

by Capt Juls on 06/10/21

This morning, was Mark and Patty's 13th wedding anniversary, so I was happy to see it was going to be a nice day for their special day.  The air temps were supposed to be a little cooler than it has been, but the humidity was still up.  

The sunrise was supposed to be special this morning too. The Moon was eclipsing part of the Sun, so we all had our fingers crossed that we would be able to see it.
We were early enough, since we hit the water a little before 5:30, but there was a rim of clouds coming up from the horizon, so the Sun was hidden behind them for a bit. 
I think, I was able to get a photo of it, but I'm not sure if it's the actual eclipse making a dent in the sun, or if it's a cloud. I can't really tell. 

We headed NE out of Mazurik's and set up in 40' of water. The Ulterra and Baby ETEC worked together to keep us on a northeasterly course at a speed of 2.2-2.5mph.  The Helix was marking scattered fish.

We ran Bandits on the starboard side and Flicker Minnow 11s on the port side, behind Off Shore boards.  "Racy Shad" paint job on both the Bandit and the Flicker Minnow did well on the larger fish we caught today. Pooh Bear (also in both the Bandit and Flicker Minnow) did well today too. We only ran two boards per side, and 2 dipsies per side too.

The dipsey on the port side corner set on the 1 setting at 35 back caught the most fish today. The two dipsies on the three setting (with depth levels adjusted several times, along with changing spoon colors, or crank colors) never caught a fish. The dipsey on the starboard corner was set up exactly like the port side, but only caught a few.

The Red Headed Wonderbread "Yeck" spoon was hot this morning....on the port side anyway. lol

A thick fog rolled in from the NE, with a little wind along with it, that made it a little rough, so we turned it around and headed west.

Mark and Patty added another 3 person limit to their tally this morning. They are looking forward to brining them back home to Wyoming, to enjoy throughout the season. From what they have told me during our chats in the boat...I think, they seriously have a little piece of heaven out there. :)

Tomorrow's forecast, for my last trip with this fun couple, is calling for winds 5-10 out of the ENE, and partly cloudy skies, so it will be another enjoyable morning to look forward to. However, it's supposed to blow out of the NE overnight, so we might launch out of Catawba tomorrow and fish the protected side of the islands. Those rollers will still be rolling in, in the morning, and I don't want either of them getting seasick on their last day here. ;)

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

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